The College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) offers the following non-credit professional development programs that can lead to careers in engineering, manufacturing and technology. These include:
Engineering is a broad work category that refers to jobs that use science and mathematics to solve a variety of problems. Engineers share a set of qualities that foster creativity and allow them to succeed in a fast-changing environment.
People who pursue careers in engineering have strong math and computer skills, attention to detail and organization, are team players, have intuition and good judgment, are curious, and have critical thinking skills, among other skills.
Career pathways include mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, and environmental engineering, among others.
The manufacturing sector comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical of chemical transformation of materials, substances or components into new products. Careers consist of many occupations and establishments including plants, factories or mills, as well as those engaged in selling to the general public such as bakeries, candy stories, and custom tailors.
People who pursue careers in manufacturing are critical thinkers, strong communicators, pay attention to detail, and have an interest and an aptitude for technology, among other traits
Manufacturing industries are divided into many career sectors such as food, beverage and tobacco; textiles, leather and apparel; transportation; petroleum, coal, chemicals, plastics and rubber; computer and electronics; electrical equipment; and appliances and components, among others.
The three major industry groups within the technology/IT sector are software and services, technology hardware and equipment, and semiconductors and semiconductor equipment. These three industry groups are further divided into industries and sub-industries.
People who pursue careers in technology have analytical capabilities, a strong educational foundation, persistence, and are creative and curious. They are networkers and are able to work both independently and in teams.
Technology/IT careers consist of a wide range of occupations including computer programmers, database administrators, software developers, web developers, computer and information research scientists, computer network architects and information security analysts.
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